Wednesday, May 2, 2012

April Photo A Day Challenge

It's that time again when I get to share all my photos from Fatmumslim's Photo a Day Challenge!
I look forward everyday to taking a new picture, and then sharing them all!
Just as a reminder, here's the list:

Day 1: your reflection. My favorite mirror.
Day 2: colour. You can always tell it's getting warmer
by the amount of sidewalk chalk on the porch.

Day 3: Mail. Yep, I forgot this one....

Day 4: someone who makes you happy.
My girls. I couldn't pick just one.
Day 5: tiny. Gnome and his shroom cozy up in my yarn.
Day 6: lunch. Special lunch for me and the girls.
It really has nothing to do with needing groceries.
Day 7: shadow. Shadows at the park!
Day 8: what's in your wallet.
Hunger Games ticket and Katy Perry ticket.
Day 9: younger you. My wedding day
almost 13 years ago.
Day 10: cold. A much needed cold treat for me.
Time to keep sewing.
Day 11: where you ate breakfast.
I eat while getting caught up at my very messy
computer/scrapbooking station.
Day 12: stairs. It's almost time to take down the children's rail.
Kinda makes me sad.
Day 13: something I found.
I found out today that Mya loves pistachios.
Day 14: how I feel today. A little overwhelmed.
Day 15: Sunset. What sunset? Stormy weather.
Day 16: flower. The only flowers
I have in my yard right now.
Day 17: something I don't like. I hate parking garages.
 I always think I'm going to scrape.
Day 18: hair. Mya still has bedhead.
Don't judge me! It's my day off.
Day 19: orange. Getting ready to go on a trip with
my new bag and my handy dandy
orange notions bag!
Day 20: something I drew. Drawing in Mya's book.
Day 21: bottle. Perfume bottle.
Day 22: last thing you bought.
A Pepsi to keep me awake.
Day 23: vegetable. Annaka's carrots at Disneyland.
Day 24: something I'm grateful for.
The first clear sky of my vacation!
Day 25: looking down.
Mya buries Dora because Dora is cold!
Look now she's warm.
Day 26: black and white. Fish at the aquarium. 
Day 27: somewhere you went.
Went to the movies. Here's my mom and Annaka.
Day 28: 1pm. Knitting on a plane.
Day 29: circle.
Annaka at the Science Center in San Diego.
Day 30: something that makes me sad.
The fact that I'm 33, and I already have arthritis.

Here's the list for May if you'd like to join along.

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