Thursday, March 29, 2012

Feeling the Podcast Love

I'll be the first to admit that I'm very new to the blog and podcast wagons. I usually barely find time in my day to watch a show or two on TV, check my email, Facebook, and Ravelry. But, with the recent upgrade from my old pay-as-you-go cell phone to an iPhone, these things have become easier.

My first podcast I found was The Knit Girllls, when I was looking for something to listen to while sewing. I worked my way through about 50 or so episodes when I was featured in their podcast last month. Since then, this new to me phenomenon has become a kind of a chain reaction of good publicity for my shop, which I am so grateful for. The Knit Girlls have talked positively about my bags and knitting needle gauges a couple of times since, and other podcasts have picked up on them too. Next, Just One More Row and  Knitting in Circles podcasts featured my bags too!    Retro Lemon Studio is the latest podcast to have reviewed my bags--that I know of. There could possibly be more out there in the wide web that I'm not even aware of!  I'm definitely feeling the podcast love!

Since all my new found popularity, my mind and fingers have been constantly humming along. I have plans for a couple new additions for the shop....super secret and depending on time. I've also just added a new fully reversible bag. One supply clip can be used either on the inside or the outside. The inside clip can also be used to slip circular needles through to help projects from slipping off the needles.
It's so exciting to think of these crazy talented people using my bags to create art out of. Leslie of The Knit Girllls has been making this gorgeous Evenstar Shawl, and it's being knit from my bag! Something I made is helping someone store and carry something so beautiful!


  1. Love , Love your bags. I have 2 ( owls and sheep). And yes... those Knitgirllls are master enablers.. lol

  2. Your bags are great - I'm definitely going to have to grab one of the reversible ones. :)

  3. I have three so far and just love them. Great size for my shawls and socks!!
