Thursday, April 12, 2012

Patting Myself on the Back

Every once in a Blue Moon, I find myself coming up with a brilliant  idea (at least my inner ego thinks so).

I've always loved those frames where you put your children's school picture every year. But what is a Mommy to do when her kids are in Kindergarten, First grade, or heck, not even in school yet? I have one child in school. The other not. "But they have to have matching frames!" "I want them up now!" "I don't want those ugly empty spots!", my little brat in my head screams. Then the rational part of me says, "Fix it. It can't be that hard."

Voila, an idea is born. I searched my scrapbooking stash for school-related, theme-related, or just eye-catching bits and bobs to fill the holes.  Each empty hole is taped separately on the back. So, when it's time for next year's picture, I can just untape the one section and put that year's picture in.

Word of advice: Don't tape or glue anything to the matt! Just the paper backing!

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